EIR | mpwsp
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On March 28 the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and the California Public Utilities Commission
released the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for California
American Water’s proposed seawater desalination project, which is part of the Monterey Peninsula Water
Supply Project. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) require an EIR/EIS that describes how the Water Supply Project’s desalination project will impact the
environment. This report marks a critical milestone to develop a reliable water supply for the Monterey Peninsula.



Executive Summary thru Chapter 7 (42mb)
Chapters 8.1 thru 8.4 (12.5mb)

Chapters 8.5 (34.8mb)

Chapters 8.6 part 1: letters 8.6.1-8.6.10 (36.8mb)

Chapters 8.6 part 2: letters 8.6.11-8.6.20 (21.7mb)

Chapters 8.6 thru Index (17.6mb)

Appendices A thru D3 (28.4mb)

Appendices E1 thru E2 (20.1mb)

Appendix E3: A thru B (28mb)

Appendix E3: C part 1 (30.9mb)

Appendix E3: C part 2 thru D (30.9mb)

Appendix E3: E part 1 (30.9mb)

Appendix E3: E part 2 (44.7mb)

Appendix E3: E part 3 thru H (30.9mb)

Appendices F thru L (17.8mb)

Appendix M, part 1 (48.9mb)

Appendix M, part 2 (45.5mb)

Appendix M, part 3 (26.7mb)

Appendix M, part 4 (51.2mb)

Appendix M, part 5 (41mb)

Appendices N thru O (17.8mb)




The National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act are statutes that require federal agencies for NEPA and state and local agencies for CEQA to identify the potentially significant environmental impacts of certain projects and to implement conditions to avoid or mitigate those impacts prior to issuing a permit for the projects. To require this level of review, there must be substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. A proposed project must cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect change in the environment. Under the law, more deference is given to the
agency’s determination based on its assessment of the context and intensity of the potential impacts.

NEPA/CEQA environmental review includes detailed procedural and substantive requirements. Depending on the potential impacts of the proposed project, the review may be conducted in the form of an Environmental Impact Report /Environmental Impact Statement, which is the most stringent level of review under CEQA and NEPA. A project may not be approved as submitted if feasible alternatives or mitigation measures are able to substantially reduce the potential for significant environmental impacts.



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